Barbara C Sherland
* Agricultural and Agribusiness
* Air Quality
* Alternative Dispute Resolution
* Antitrust and Trade Regulation
* Appellate Law
* Banking and Financial Institutions
* BioEnergy
* Business Finance and Insolvency
* China Services
* Class Actions
* Cleantech Ventures
* Climate Change
* Construction and Design
* Contaminated Lands
* Copyrights
* Corporate
* E-commerce and Internet
* Education
* Employee Benefits
* Employment Law and Labor Relations
* Endangered Species Act
* Energy
* Environmental and Natural Resources
* Environmental Insurance
* Environmental Litigation
* Estate and Trust Administration
* Estate Planning
* Ethics and Professional Responsibility
* Exempt Organizations
* Financial Businesses and Services
* Food Liability Law
* Forest Industries
* Franchising
* Geothermal Energy
* Health Care
* Hydroelectric Projects
* Independent Power
* Insurance Coverage
* Intellectual Property
* International Business
* Labor and Employment
* Land Use
* Life Sciences
* Litigation
* Media and Publications
* Mergers and Acquisitions
* Municipal Law and Finance
* Nanotechnology
* Natural Gas, Oil and Mining
* Nutritional Supplements
* Occupational Safety and Health
* Ocean, Tidal & In-Stream Hydrokinetics
* Outdoor Industry
* Patents
* Private Businesses
* Products Liability and Toxic Torts
* Public Ports
* Publicly Held Companies
* Real Estate Law
* Renewable Energy
* Securities Litigation
* Ski Area
* Solar Energy
* Stimulus Working Group
* Taxation
* Technology
* Technology Ventures Group
* Telecommunications
* Trademarks
* Tribal Law
* Water Quality
* Water Rights
* White Collar Criminal Law
* Wind Energy
* Wine Law
* Workout and Restructuring Services
Fellow, American College of Trust and Estate Counsel
Barbara C Sherland
Stoel Rives LLP
1 Union Square #3600
600 University St
Seattle WA 98101
Tel: 206 386-7691
Fax: 206 386-7500
Related Practice Areas
- Estate Planning
- Exempt Organizations
- Private Businesses
- Estate and Trust Administration
Barbara Sherland is a member of the firm practicing in the areas of estate planning and administration and tax-exempt organizations. Her practice includes family wealth transfer, closely-held business planning, fiduciary representation, prenuptial planning, charitable giving and representation of non-profit organizations.
Interned with the Honorable Eugene Wright, United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit (1984).
