Davies Pearson PC
Tacoma Law Firm - Tacoma, Washington
* Alternative Dispute Resolution Services
- Arbitrations and Mediations
* Appellate Practice Services
* Business Planning Services
- Commercial Transactions
- Acquisitions, Mergers and Reorganizations
- Formation of Business Entities
- Franchises
- Landlord/Tenant
- Consumer Protection
* Construction Law Services
* Criminal Law Services
* Domestic and Family Relations Services
- Dissolutions
- Parentage
- Adoptions
* Employment Law Services
- Discrimination and Wage and Hour Claims
- Labor Relations
- Personnel Handbooks
- Safety and Health Inspections (OSHA and WISHA)
- Civil Rights
- Defamation
* Estate Planning & Tax Law Services
- Trusts and Wills
- Probate and Administration of Estates
- Federal, Estate, Gift and Income Taxation
- State and Local Taxation
- Elder Law & Guardianships
* Governmental Law Services
- Law Enforcement Defense
- Municipal Law
- Recall Petitions
* Immigration Law Services
* Insurance Law Services
- Defense, Coverage & Claims
* Litigation Services
* Motor Vehicle Dealer Services
- Acquisitions, Mergers and Sales
- Manufacturer Relations
- Sales and Service Agreements
- Succession Planning
* Personal Injury Services
- Medical Malpractice
- Automobile Accidents
- Product Liability
* Real Estate & Land Use Services
- Commercial, Industrial and Residential
- Homeowners Associations
- Condominiums
- Environmental Law
- Property Development
- Foreclosures
- Title Insurance
- Zoning
* Workers Compensation and Social Security Services
- Disability
- Appeals
If you have been hurt at work or have a severe condition that prevents you from working, it is easy to become overwhelmed by the bureaucratic red-tape you will face when filing claims with the Washington State Department of Labor Industries or the Social Security Administration. Often injured people do not receive the benefits to which they are entitled. The attorneys at Davies Pearson can help. Our attorneys have many years of experience working with the State and Federal agencies and know how to pursue benefits for those who are entitled to them.
* Workers Compensation
Davies Pearson attorneys represent clients in worker's compensation matters involving time loss, medical treatment coverage, vocational rehabilitation, permanent disability awards, and pensions.
* Social Security
Davies Pearson attorneys represent clients in Social Security matters involving disability benefits, SSI, and Medicare.
Davies Pearson PC
920 Fawcett Ave
PO Box 1657
Tacoma WA 98401
Tel: 253 620-1500; 800 439-1112
Fax: 253 572-3052
E-mail: davies@dpearson.com
