Gordon W Tanner
* Agricultural and Agribusiness
* Air Quality
* Alternative Dispute Resolution
* Antitrust and Trade Regulation
* Appellate Law
* Banking and Financial Institutions
* BioEnergy
* Business Finance and Insolvency
* China Services
* Class Actions
* Cleantech Ventures
* Climate Change
* Construction and Design
* Contaminated Lands
* Copyrights
* Corporate
* E-commerce and Internet
* Education
* Employee Benefits
* Employment Law and Labor Relations
* Endangered Species Act
* Energy
* Environmental and Natural Resources
* Environmental Insurance
* Environmental Litigation
* Estate and Trust Administration
* Estate Planning
* Ethics and Professional Responsibility
* Exempt Organizations
* Financial Businesses and Services
* Food Liability Law
* Forest Industries
* Franchising
* Geothermal Energy
* Health Care
* Hydroelectric Projects
* Independent Power
* Insurance Coverage
* Intellectual Property
* International Business
* Labor and Employment
* Land Use
* Life Sciences
* Litigation
* Media and Publications
* Mergers and Acquisitions
* Municipal Law and Finance
* Nanotechnology
* Natural Gas, Oil and Mining
* Nutritional Supplements
* Occupational Safety and Health
* Ocean, Tidal & In-Stream Hydrokinetics
* Outdoor Industry
* Patents
* Private Businesses
* Products Liability and Toxic Torts
* Public Ports
* Publicly Held Companies
* Real Estate Law
* Renewable Energy
* Securities Litigation
* Ski Area
* Solar Energy
* Stimulus Working Group
* Taxation
* Technology
* Technology Ventures Group
* Telecommunications
* Trademarks
* Tribal Law
* Water Quality
* Water Rights
* White Collar Criminal Law
* Wind Energy
* Wine Law
* Workout and Restructuring Services
Gordon W Tanner
Stoel Rives LLP
1 Union Square #3600
600 University St
Seattle WA 98101
Tel: 206 386-7695
Fax: 206 386-7500
E-mail: gwtanner@stoel.com
Related Practice Areas
- Real Estate Law
Gordon Tanner is a member of the firm and practices primarily in the areas of commercial real estate leasing, purchase and sale and finance transactions, corporate and commercial finance, joint ventures and secured lending, with an emphasis in agricultural and food industries. He also assists clients with joint ventures and has experience with international trade signatures and electronic commerce.
Former staff member, Joint Economic Committee of the U.S. Congress.
