Guadagno & O'Sullivan
Seattle DUI Lawyer | Drunk Driving Defense | DUI Attorney Seattle, WA
Seattle DUI Attorneys
Drunk Driving Defense Lawyers helping clients throughout Washington
After being charged with DUI, most people feel very pressured and anxious about how this type of charge will affect their life. The majority of people feel ashamed, embarrassed, and regretful after their arrest, but our Seattle DUI lawyers are here to tell you that you are not alone. Thousands of people are charged with drunk driving every year in Washington, and with the legal limit being .08 percent, there is not much room for error. Depending upon your physical size, what type of alcohol you consumed, and whether or not you consumed any food before drinking, it could take as few as one or two beers to put you over the legal limit.
With the fatality and injury rate being so high in Seattle drunk driving accidents, police officers are very tough on any individuals they find to be driving under the influence. Even if you show no outward signs of intoxication, if they suspect you have been drinking, a blood or breath test will be administered to determine your blood alcohol content. If your alcohol concentration is .08 percent or higher as shown by analysis of your breath or blood, you could be charged with DUI. The criminal defense lawyers at our firm can help you with the following legal issues related to DUI:
* Underage/Minor DUI
* Felony DUI
* Out of State License DUI in Washington
* Vehicular Assault
* Multiple DUI Offenses
* DOL Hearings
* Breath and Blood Tests
* Field Sobriety Tests
Guadagno & O'Sullivan: King County DUI Lawyers
The extremity of drunk driving charges should never be downplayed because a conviction for this type of offense could result in some very harsh penalties. The exact penalties depend on how high a person’s BAC is at the time of the arrest, as well as whether or not they have any previous DUI convictions on their criminal record. A DUI conviction could mean jail time, large fines, alcohol treatment or rehabilitation, probation, driver’s license suspension, and the possible installation of an ignition interlock device on your car. The higher your BAC, the more severe the penalty you will probably face.
The DUI defense lawyers at our firm have a great deal of experience representing clients in drunk driving cases and will figure out a way to defend you from your charges. Your Seattle DUI attorney will perform a thorough evaluation of the equipment that was used to test your blood alcohol content in order to determine if any errors are responsible for an inaccurate BAC. If there is any way to prevent a DUI conviction, an attorney from our firm will be sure to find it.
If you or a loved one has been charged with drunk driving, contact a Seattle DUI Defense Lawyer at Guadagno & O'Sullivan today to discuss your case!
Guadagno & O'Sullivan LLC
Puget Sound Plaza
1325 4th Ave #1220
Seattle WA 98101
Tel: 800 719-1268
