Rebecca T White
The Law Office of Rebecca White focuses exclusively on US immigration and nationality matters. Our clients are located worldwide, and include corporations, research institutions, athletes and artists, and the IT industry. We are devoted to corporate as well as individual clients. We provide Seattle with immigration services from our downtown office. Our central office in Seattle gives us ready access to the Executive Office of Immigration Review, the Federal Courthouse, the King County and Seattle Courts. We provide Tacoma with immigration services from our branch office. Our branch Vashon office is close to the Pierce County and Tacoma Courts, and the new Northwest Detention Center.
* Business-based Immigration
Non-Immigrant Visas, including H-1Bs, L-1s, TNs, and Rs--Programmers, Network Analyst, Roe Technicians, Engineers, Martial Arts competitors, and Business Managers are some examples.
Immigrant Visas, including labor certification, outstanding researchers, religious workers, and ethnic cooks.
* Family-based Immigration
Immigration planning before marriageFiance(e) visasAdjustment of Status and Consular Processing, Removal of Conditional Status with a focus on difficult marriages, Relief through VAWA following abuse in a marriage,Adoption of foreign born children.
* Asylum
Assistance in preparing affirmative applications
Appeals to both the Board of Immigration Appeals and to the Ninth Ciruit Court of Appeals.
Law Office of Rebecca White
1001 - 4th Ave #3200
Seattle WA 98154
Tel: 206 931-1862
