Rick S Leo
Washington DUI Attorney | Washington Criminal Attorney | DUI Defense
Rick S Leo
Leo Law Office
18920 Bothell Way NE #208
Bothell WA 98011
Tel: 425 481-2600
Fax: 425 481-2601
E-mail: rick@leolawoffice.com
Over the past twelve years as a criminal defense attorney I have represented individuals who have been charged with everything from simple fishing violations to complex murder one offenses. In addition, I have also represented victims in a matter involving a Washington State Patrol Trooper who was convicted of sexual misconduct. Anytime someone is charged with a crime, it is a very stressful situation. Therefore, having an experienced criminal defense attorney on your side who can explain all of the various intricacies will drastically reduce the level of anxiety that you are experiencing.
There are thousands of different types of crimes in the State of Washington. As a criminal defense attorney, the misdemeanor and gross misdemeanor charges that I generally handle are in the following categories or groups:
* Driving Offenses:
These include DUI, Physical Control, Reckless Driving, Negligent Driving, Hit and Run Attended or Unattended and the various degrees of Driving While License Suspended. While all of these involve a motor vehicle, there is also a BUI, which involves driving a boat or a vessel while under the influence.
Assaultive Behavior Offenses:
These obviously include the various degrees of Assault, Disorderly Conduct, Harassment, and Violation of a Protection Order.
* Drugs Offenses:
POM (Possession of Marijuana under 40 grams) and PDP (Possession of Drug Paraphernalia) are the most common drug offenses in district court. Then as the amount, the drug, and the circumstances evolve, these matters can become felonies.
* Minors:
Minors can find themselves charged with MIPs (Minor in Possession or Consumption of Alcohol). Also, if a minor drives a vehicle after consuming alcohol (depending on the amount of alcohol in their system) they could either find themselves facing the charge of Minor Operating a Motor Vehicle after Consuming Alcohol, or the very same DUI charge as though they were an adult.
* Property Offenses and Offenses Against Others:
Malicious Mischief, Theft, Trespass and Reckless Endangerment are the typical crimes located here.
If you have been charged with one of the crimes listed above, or even if it is not listed, please call and I can go over the law, the penalties you are facing, potential defenses to your crime, likely outcomes, and retaining my services to assist you. In addition to the misdemeanors and gross misdemeanors listed above, I have also handled numerous felony cases throughout my career. Due to the nature of these offenses however, I am forgoing listing the different felonies here. If you are charged with a felony offense, please contact me to discuss.
