Thomas C Gores - Bellevue
* Aircraft Financing
* Antitrust & Unfair Competition Litigation
* Antitrust Counseling & Merger Clearance
* Appellate
* Arbitration
* Bankruptcy & Workouts
* Business
* China Practice
* Climate Change Law & Policy
* Commercial Finance
* Construction
* Consumer Protection
* Copyright Litigation
* Corporate Finance
* E-Discovery Services & Strategy
* Emerging Companies
* Employee Benefits & Executive Compensation
* Employment Class Actions
* Employment Counseling and Preventive Law/Training
* Employment Litigation
* Employment Privacy
* Environment & Natural Resources
* Environmental Litigation
* ERISA Litigation
* Federal Grants & Loans
* Federal Tax
* Fiduciary & Investment Services
* Finance
* Financial Services Litigation & Investigations
* Government Contracts
* Government Relations
* Immigration
* India Practice
* Indian Law & Gaming
* Insurance Coverage
* Intellectual Property
* Intellectual Property Litigation
* International Arbitration & Litigation
* International Business
* International Trade
* Investigations & White Collar Defense
* IP Enforcement Programs
* Israel Practice
* ITC Section 337 Actions
* Labor & Employment
* Land Use
* Licensing & Technology
* Litigation
* Marketing & Advertising
* Media Law
* Mergers & Acquisitions
* Noncompetition Litigation
* Oil & Gas
* Patent
* Patent Litigation
* Permitting, Compliance & Environmental Audits
* Personal Planning
* Political Law
* Privacy & Security
* Private Equity
* Product Liability
* Product Liability: Aviation/Aerospace
* Product Liability: Toxic Tort
* Project Development
* Project Finance
* Public Companies
* Public Finance
* Real Estate
* Real Estate Finance
* Real Estate Workouts
* Regulatory Litigation
* Securities & Corporate Governance Litigation
* State & Local Tax
* Trade Secrets
* Trademark & Copyright
* Trademark Litigation
* Traditional Labor
* Venture Capital
* Water Law
* Water Resources Policy
* Worker Safety & Health
* Workers' Compensation
* Workplace Investigations
* Cleantech
* Communications
* E-Commerce
* Electronic Financial Services
* Energy
* Energy Commercial Transactions & Project Finance
* Energy Litigation
* Energy Project Permitting & Development
* Energy Regulation & Policy
* Forest Products
* Franchising & Distribution
* Hotels & Leisure
* Interactive Entertainment
* Life Sciences
* Mining
* Renewable Energy
* Retail & Consumer Products
* Semiconductor
* Senior Housing
* Winery & Vineyard
Fellow, American College of Trust and Estate Counsel
Thomas C Gores
Perkins Coie LLP
The PSE Building
10885 NE 4th St #700
Bellevue WA 98004-5579
Tel: 425 635-1444
Fax: 425 635-2444
* Personal Planning
Tom Gores practices in the area of personal planning. He helps clients with personal tax and estate planning issues, trust and estate administration, and corporate fiduciary counseling. His practice includes planning for business owners and families on a multi-generational basis, as well as philanthropy planning and valuation issues.
